Show & Tell Network

To attend future events, sign up here!

Show & Tell - this adult version - started back in 2007 in San Francisco. About 15 of us got together one night, each bringing something to talk about – an actual thing to share that would reveal a part of ourselves that might not be so obvious. It was all about 'objects as story' -  telling something about where we were from, or where we'd traveled to, or what we were into.

The event unearthed a root system of untold stories. We all got addicted. I've been coordinating and hosting these events ever since and have met hundreds of people and their objects.

Since my move to LA in 2009, I've come to realize how hungry people are for unaffected connection. That's what Show & Tell provides. It taps a never ending source for story. Nothing contrived or rehearsed. You don't have to be clever or funny. You just have to be curious. The rest flows.  People are generally quirky and worthy of at least 5 minutes of each other's attention. You need to come to one to experience one. 

This is a moveable feast. A pop-up party that's made better by you showing up. 

See you soon - 

Deborah Pardes

Some Examples of Objects As Story

A Nail ‘taken’ from Karen Blixen’s house in Kenya
A fertility Goddess
A scarf from a dead stranger
A beach towel
Dad's pic with Salvador Dali
T-shirts of the anti-Apartheid Movement
Grandma’s bowling bag
A yo-yo that walks the dog
Converse Sneaker Special Order Mess up
A bracelet made by a son in a mental hospital
A kaleidoscope to change your thinking
How to peel garlic in one shake
Bottle Art Installation
100 uses for a Kikoy
A finger labyrinth
A Neti Pot
A tagine
Grandpa’s prayer book
A beautiful breast reduction - scars and all
Crazy funny odd record covers
Vagina Art for Bangkok
Bauer Camera from 1948
Guitar picks collected since 1965
Bocce Ball set
Hippie Deodorant Making
Drums on wheels
Slipper socks
Earthquake kit
How to drill a pumpkin to save time
The silver spider pin lost then found
Bach Flower Remedies
A cannibal fork
A wooden box of ‘rain’
Aquaponics kit
Shadow puppets
Pendulum muscle tester
A percussion story set
A royal tea set
A stolen Emmy award
Quinoa – the grain of champions